I am blessed with an ability to communicate with animals and to share it with those who are believers.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pigs on the Brain

My daughter Abigail had been obsessed with the thought of having a guinea pig for more than a year, but we were reluctant to add yet another animal to our already full household. Our current menagerie held a hamster, a cockatiel, a dog, a cat and several fish.   Then Abigail started writing books about guinea pigs. First she wrote “The Christmas Guinea Pig”; followed by, “What if You Give a Guinea Pig a Cookie”; and then, “The Ice Skating Guinea Pig”; “The Guinea Pig Goes to School” and 3 more titles as well.
My husband and I knew this latest obsession was not going away. I thought this would teach her responsibility. My husband thought, “Not another animal.” But in the long run we agreed to get her a guinea pig.
So we began researching guinea pigs and then went to several pet stores shopping for a suitable pig. I had no idea there were so many different breeds of guinea pig.
After much searching, Abby settled on a young female with brown and white fur.  She deliberated carefully over names before settling on ‘Rose’ when the guinea pig began nibbling on some plastic roses that were draped over the post of her bed.
Abby delighted in her new pet and they bonded quickly. They played on Abby’s bed and the kitchen floor. They would play chase and Rose would take carrots from Abby’s hand. She would brush and feed Rose every morning and again every evening.
Then despite the remarkable friendship Abby and Rose had begun; as new ventures sometimes do, this one too began to lose its sparkle to a certain 6 year old girl.  Not terribly, but I would have to ask her to take the guinea pig out: explain to her how unfair it was to be in a cage all day. Abby was still responsible for feeding Rose every morning; of course it was me placing the food in the bowl and leaving it on the kitchen table to remind her to do so.
Then one day the kids went to their Nana’s for a long weekend. I had the house and all its inhabitants to myself and that was when I discovered what a wonder we had in Rose.  I fell head over heels in love with a rodent, what an amazing rodent though.
The first time I took her out on Abby’s bed, she skipped and jumped with bliss to express her total delight in some playtime and attention.  My dog Maggie came in and Rose ran to the bedside to try to engage Maggie in play. Maggie would approach the side of the bed and Rose would run over first circling, then rubbing her nose against Maggie’s before dashing to the other side of the bed making happy piggy noises as she went. Maggie would meet her again at the opposite bedside and Rose would spin in a circle, make a few wheeking noises and then dash to back the other side.
Joy! This little rodent was playing and showing pure joy! I found myself laughing out loud at her silly antics. As the weekend went on, I found I was looking forward to our daily romps and smiling to myself just thinking about the little guinea pig.  When it was time for Rose to come out, I put her on the bed and sat down next to her. She climbed right up on my lap. I snuggled with her and she pressed herself into my stomach where she curled for a moment before nuzzling her head under my arm.  She was showing me love and affection, and so much from such a small creature. What could I do but return it?
I must admit it took me by surprise. Who would have thought this little animal could have such a hold on me. Who would have thought a guinea pig would have so much love to give and so much joy to share.  To give love and joy: how simple, how generous, how wonderful.
The weekend ended and Abby came home and told me that she had missed her little friend Rose. We took Rose out of her cage and I showed Abby the new things we had been working on while she was visiting her Nana. I told her that Rose would now come when you called her. Abby tried and was thrilled when Rose responded. I showed her how Rose appreciated a good snuggle and that Rose had even made a new friend in Maggie.
Abby and I now both look forward to our morning and evening romps with Rose; we even read bed time stories to her.  We are both deeply in love with Rose and I know she loves us.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you and your daughter both remind me of my Marilyn when she was growing up! This is such a heart warming story. Thank you for sharing it!
    I remember getting that same love and joy from my Parakeet Peaty after my daughter talked me into adding him to the bunch. She even raised a pet chicken in her room. Other birds. I ended up putting up a mock tree for them in her room. With a cat inside as well that would not bother them. Rare. I love your story!
