I am blessed with an ability to communicate with animals and to share it with those who are believers.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ant Meditation

Meditations on the Ant
An awareness of a perfectly engineered frame endowed with incredible strength makes me feel capable of anything.
Energy and power propel my legs at lightning speed over Mother Earth. I sense food nearby and stop to hone in on the source, I adjust my course and soon am there. I sample the food and finding it good, I send out the message to my sisters. Once they arrive, we all feed together. Now we must carry the rest of the food back to our burrow. The purpose of our task surges us with a surplus of strength and we each carry all that we possibly can. 
We trail one another back down our tunnel into the earthy life force of Mother Earth. In the inky darkness I rely on smells and touches to lead me to where I must deliver my gift of food; Food for our future, food for our children, food that our community will grow in number and in strength.  It is with honour that I perform this work.
Teachings from the Ant
Working with selflessness that others may thrive fills one with a sense of purpose, of duty and of place in a community. Go out and perform a good deed whenever the opportunity arises.

Ant Haiku
Super strength and speed
Labouring with the many
Harmony for all.